Synonym of The Day
Meaning the center of interest, focal point, centre

  • I think, ym sister can't focus on two things at the same time. 
  • They've got to stay focused.
  • It is necessary to focus on two things at the same time.
  • You just focus on your future girl.
  • Please focus on the details. 
  • The image is not in focus.
centre, center, focalize, spotlight, target, headquarters, hub, bosom, middle, medium, pivotal, locus, heart, core
Opposite of The Day
Meaning willfully causing suffering to others no concern about it, brutal, tyrannical, oppressive, grim, savage

  • He took his place in history as a very cruel king.
  • Human cruelty has no limits.
  • History remembers him as the legend of cruel punishment giver.
  • This women appears to me to be cruel.

kind, , courteous, gentle, polite, delicate, affable, soft, tender, mild, deferential, easygoing, friendly, gallant, genteel, merciful, compassionate, benevolent, altruistic, humane, moral, kindhearted